Tuesday, September 25, 2012

El 25 de septiembre

****Español I (HS)

We have been finishing Etapa Preliminar with a great big "Olé!"  The quizzes were posted and the dialogues were completed and presented.  The students memorized a short dialogue with a partner. 

NO homework this evening in observance of Yom Kippur.

Those that would like to get a head start on Etapa 1, can be working on , column 1. p. 47 flash list
These are due on Friday, September 28.

****Español Beginning....(6)

We have been getting to know one another and have begun to have a common class vocabulary.  We've learned the rules and most of the procedures for class. 

We will have many daily quizzes, I know it seems like only a few scores now, but that will change.  We will have some lively comprehension-based lessons. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

El 14 de septiembre---viernes

Español I (HS)

¡¡Hola, estudiantes!!

We took a practice exam for our quiz for next week.  We reviewed homework and got our flashcards back.  We just broke into groups and discussed Spanish names for our "authentic" dialogue activity below:

Diálogos:Nuevos Amigos--Students will write, practice and memorize dialogues.  We will work on them in class and do not have any assignment during the holiday!  We will begin presenting on Friday (9/21) and or Monday (9/24) next week.

¡Que tengan un fantástico fin de semana! (Have a great weekend!)

Español principiante...(beginning 6)

Vocabulary Quiz ----Thurs, Friday....(next week)
Acciones-----stand up, sit, walk or go, stop, turn around, dance, fast, slow....raise your hand

1. levántense
2. siéntense
3. anden
4. paren
5. den la vuelta
6.  bailen
7.  rápidamente
8. lentamente
9. levanten la mano

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

El once de septiembre

Buenas noches, clase!


We have been studying Etapa Preliminar in our texts and class discussions.  We have been attempting to perfect our greetings, politeness, Spanish names and discussing origin.

Guides for Etapa Preliminar were handed out today.(Posted on my Berkley website) Students have the necessary study guide for our upcoming quiz so that they can prioritize the vocabulary.

homework:  Packet ABC Etapa Preliminar due Thursday, Sept. 12.  (2nd hour had an assembly---not due for this class (2) until Friday....)

******Examenito  Thursday, September 20.  You can do it...20 minutes per night!!
Study, study, study.....(Do your best in spelling, it should be really close...)

Espanol Principiante (beginning 6)

Hola!  We have been getting to know one another and learning some acciones (actions) in class. Students are making a picture dictionary in class to go along with this unit.  The lessons are lively and keep us moving!!  More hand outs to come home soon.  I want to explain language acquisition/ versus learning and the process that we are using.

******We will have a quiz on the actions next week.  Will post vocabulary in a day or so!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

el 5 de septiembre del año 2012

¡Bienvenidos a mi blog!  Me llamo Señorita (Parker) Bassman.
¡¡Me gusta mucho el español y mis estudiantes!!

We are going on a fabulous adventure.  I am excited to be teaching you

El español principiante (beginning 6)


El español I (HS)

Here you will find out what has been happening in class, what is coming up and what you can use to help you!  :)

Stay tuned and come back often!!  Hasta luego----
