Tuesday, December 18, 2012

el 18 de diciembre


Today we had a quiz on the 6-box conjugation chart for AR verbs!  Students did very well. 
We practiced the forming of the AR verbs in games of battle ship. 

La Tarea: Study your Etapa 2.1 vocabulary tonight. Although nothing will be collected tomorrow, you will be better prepared for class and our upcoming vocabulary quiz.  No homework tonight----Hasta mañana

Español beginning--

We lost some time last week because of the assembly (anti-bullying, a very worthy topic!).  So the boys were given a pre-test instead to show me how well they know the chapter vocabulary.  We were not ready for the quiz.  The last two lessons need more work.  Practice at home and we will do some warm up and practice in class on Thursday with a brief end of the class quiz.

**see el 11 de diciembre for vocab...

Srta. Bassman

Monday, December 17, 2012

el 17 de diciembre

Hola, estudiantes!!

el español I

The guest teacher assigned p. 103 personal questions and the verb chart for homework.  I will accept them today and tomorrow, if you misunderstood the directions. 

Today we review the -ar verb conjugation, new vocabulary and learn how to discuss obligations in Spanish.  Page 109 reviewed

Examenito on the six box conjugation chart tomorrow!  We do a practice quiz in class today.

To Have to do Something--Obligations>

Remember the forms of Tener: 

tengo  tenemos
tienes  tenéis
tiene    tienen

Formula for telling an obligation:

Tener (form) + que + infinitive  (the "ar" form of the verb)

I have to work:

Yo tengo que trabajar.
Ella tiene que escuchar.
Nosotras tenemos que practicar.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

el 12 de diciembre


El español I

La tarea de hoy---today's homework:

p. 121 flashlist/cards column 1 AND 2 verb charts(6 box conjugation, see page 109)...on the bottem of the page...
due el 13 de diciembre

Beginning español (6)

check blog from yesterday...study for quiz...in blue words....

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

el 11 de diciembre

Hola, estudiantes!!

El español I

I will finish grading the exams by tomorrow and return them.  We are beginning Unit 2 today...
Unidad 2 Etapa 1 or  Etapa 2.1
We are learning to conjugate verbs, or put them into correct forms in the present...We start with the verb.  We took notes and worked on examples in class.
No "formal" tarea tonight---just.begin to work on the chant for endings....o,as,a,amos áis, an...
                                                        necesitar=to need

        Singular                                                              Plural

1.  Yo necesito   I need, I do need     1. Nosotros   necesitamos         we need

2. tú necesitas     You need                2.  Vosotros   necesitáis              you guys need

3.  Usted               You formal           3. Ustedes                                       you all
      él                      he                              ellos                                            they
     ella                    she                            ellas
              Necesita                                                     necesitan

Yo necesito una calculadora.
Tú necesitas los marcadores.
Ella necesita un lápiz.

Español  beginning  (6)

El muchacho Pastor  (L1-4 complete vocab.)

                                                                  older phrases/ vocab.
1. la familia   the family                                      el muchacho= the boy
2. el papá       the father                                      hay= there is , there are
3. el lobo        the wolf                                         se llama= is named or called
4. la oveja      the sheep                                      pero=but
5.  el pastor     the shepherd                               mucho= a lot
6. la montaña    the mountain                              ahora= now
7. el chiste      the joke
8.  el día siguiente  the next day
     el próximo día    the next day
9. el / la hermano(a)  the brother
10. come  he/she eats
11. llora   he/she cries
12. cuida   he/she cares for
13. corre   he/she runs
14. grita   he/she yells
15. vive   he/she lives
16. viene  he/she comes
17. se ríe  he/she laughs
18. dice  he/she says
19. escucha  he/she listens to
20. está enojado (a)  he/she is mad/angry
21. está furioso (a)   he/she is furious
22. está aburrido (a)  he/she is bored
23. está feliz= is happy
24. otra vez    again  (another time, literally)
25.  cuenta   he/she tells

el disfraz  disguise
juega (a los naipes)  plays cards

Working on lesson 3 and 4 currently--- quiz readiness is being determined. Thursday for boys and Friday for girls, be studying. ** (vive, está aburrido, viene, está feliz, cuenta, un chiste (a joke, el chiste = the joke) se ríe, el día siguiente, dice, escucha)

Hasta luego!!

Srta. Bassman

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

el 5 de diciembre


El español I (HS)

tarea:  pp. 90-91 Act. 2,3,4 and 5 evens

Examen Etapa 1.3 Monday

here's the practice exam... we'll try it and check it on Friday.

En Español Level 1--Unidad 1 Etapa 3--Guia de estudiar

  I.  Tener
      1.  to be ____ years old =
      2.  verb forms:          tener =
          yo                                                      nosotros
          él, ella, Ud.                                         ellos, ellas, Uds.

  II.  Numbers to 100
         11 =                                                     26 =                               
         12 =                                                    27 =
         13 =                                                    28 =
         14 =                                                    29 =
         15 =                                                    30 =
         16 =                                                    31 =
         17 =                                                    40 =
         18 =                                                    50 =
         19 =                                                    60 =
         20 =                                                    70 =
         21 =                                                    80 =
         22 =                                                    90 =
         23 =                                                    100 =
         24 =
         25 =
 III.  Possession using “de” 
        1.  There is no ‘s in Spanish; ________ + _____________ is used instead.
        2.  it is = __________; they are = __________
        3.  de + el forms the contraction ________.
        4.  whose?  = __________________
        5.  Example:   Whose shoes are they? =
                             They are Mario’s. =

 IV.  Possessive adjectives.  (10 pts)
      All possessive adjectives must agree in number (singular/plural) with the object
      owned.  “Our” must agree in number and gender (masculine/feminine) with the object
      my =      
      your (informal) =                 
      his, her, your (formal), their, your (plural) =
      our =

V.  Telling the date.  (10 pts)
      1.  The formula for expressing the date is: 
 __________+ __________ + __________ + __________ + ____________
       2.  first =

I.   Fill in the blanks with the correct family word in Spanish.
      1. El padre de tu madre es tu ________________________________________.
      2.  La hermana de tu padre es tu _____________________________________.
      3.  Los hijos de tus tíos son tus ______________________________________.
      4.  La hija de tus padres es tu _______________________________________.
      5.  El hijo de tus abuelos es tu _______________________________________.

II.  Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb tener.
      1.  Yo _____________________________ una familia pequeña. 
      2.  Lupe ________________________________ cuarenta años.
      3.  ¿_______________________________ tú una chaqueta azul?
      4.  Paula y yo _________________________________ muchos primos.
      5.  Beatriz y Jorge _______________________________ hermanos menores.

III.  Solve the following math problems.
      1.  nueve + seis = __________________________________________________
      2.  veinte – siete = _________________________________________________
      3.  cuarenta y dos + quince = _________________________________________
      4.  noventa ÷ dos = _________________________________________________
      5.  treinta y cuatro + cincuenta y uno = __________________________________
      6.  setenta – sesenta y tres = _________________________________________
      7.  treinta x tres = ________________________________________________
      8.  once x ocho = __________________________________________________
      9.  veintitrés x cuatro = _____________________________________________
      10.  cien – veintidós = _______________________________________________

IV.  Ask whose is each item, then tell whose it is.
      1.  /Pepe        ______________________________________________
      2.  /el doctor   ______________________________________________
      3.  /Carlos     ______________________________________________
      4.  /Ana  ______________________________________________
      5.  /Verónica        ______________________________________________

V.  Tell to whom each item belongs using possessive adjectives.
      1.  my:                       _______________________ familia
                                      _______________________ perros
      2.  your (informal/singular)  _______________________ calcetines
                                      _______________________ hermana
      3.  his/their:             _______________________ pantalones
                                      _______________________ maestro
      4.  our:                      _______________________ casa
                                      _______________________ gatos

VI.  Give the following dates in Spanish.
          1.  January 1 ___________________________________________________
          2.  February 5 __________________________________________________
3.  May 15  ____________________________________________________
          4.  September 13  _______________________________________________
          5.  April 11  ____________________________________________________
          6.  November 20  _______________________________________________
7.    December 12  _______________________________________________
8.  October 31  _________________________________________________
          9.  March 17  ___________________________________________________
          10.  August 30 __________________________________________________

I.  Crédito Extra.  Vocabulario para la familia
bisabuelo = great-grandfather            bisabuela = great-grandmother
cuñado = brother-in-law                      cuñada = sister-in-law
yerno = son-in-law                               nuera = daughter-in-law
suegro = father-in-law                        suegra = mother-in-law
padrastro = stepfather                      madrastra = stepmother
hermanastro = stepbrother                hermanastra = stepsister
medio hermano = half brother             media hermana = half sister
sobrino = nephew                                sobrina = niece
nieto = grandson                                 nieta = granddaughter
bisnieto = great-grandson                            bisnieta = great-granddaughter
padrino = godfather                            madrina = godmother
ahijado = godson                                 ahijada = goddaughter
parientes = relatives                          familiares = relatives


Srta. Bassman

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

el 4 de diciembre

El Español I


      Etapa 1.3 Exam postponed until Monday--lunes, el 10 de diciembre, due to IB visitors

Students handed in: our family trees and possessive cards.

Possessive adjectives, using "de" and the family!! Whew!  We practiced and then began comparing our families with a partner in class...the students will share this tomorrow.

Tarea:Due Wednesday, el 5 de diciembre:

Time to put it all together!! pages 90-91...Do activity 1 completely (although you do not need to copy all of the text, you may number the responses. Also actividades 2, 3, 4 , and 5---The odd numbered items in each.

Lunch time help available Tuesday (12/4) and Wednesday (12/5)  this week to help you prepare for your exam.

español beginning (6)  

Vocabulary review every night!!  Go over our notes and illustrations for 20 minutes.

Hasta Luego!

Srta. Bassman

Monday, December 3, 2012

el 3 de diciembre

Hola, estudiantes!!

el español I

We turned in our homework packet with the numbers and clothing, and reviewed the birthdays and ages.  We continue to persue excellence in expressing ownership!!(Possessive Adjectives and using "de")

Possessive Adjectives
See pg. 82 to review them.

mi, mis  (my)                               nuestro (s) nuestra (s)     (our)
tu, tus   (your)                             vuestro (s)  vuestra (s)    (Your (belonging to you guys)
su, sus   (his, her your formal)      su, sus                            (their your (pl.) belonging to Ustedes)

also  for specific owners...switch word order and use "de"
There's no apostrophe in Spanish...

The president's family:

La familia del presidente
or  su familia

Brad Pitt and Angelina's house
their house

 la casa de Brad y Angelina

su casa

La tarea:
Homework:  Finish and go over your foldable possessive adjective card.  Create a simple family tree for class tomorrow.  I will check it in and we will use it to compare our families tomorrow.
Try and include 3 generations with names (if known and ages, if possible--okay to approximate them!)

Español beginning (6)

We began lección 3 --- I introduced 4 new words and we recreated bits of red-riding hood....
practiced gestures for the new vocabulary.  
I gave out the mini-cuento..El pastor 2...just read it over and we will proceed with it on Wednesday. :)

¡Hasta Luego! 

Srta. Bassman