Thursday, February 28, 2013

el 28 de febrero

Hola, estudiantes!

Students handed in songs and performed today!  We focused on question words and our homework for today.  We also conversed as if we were ordering food in a Mexican restaurant.
We will practice more tomorrow.

Postponed exam for Tuesday, el 5 de marzo
homework due Monday, el 4 de marzo...Do all---pp.140-141 and  act. 8 on p. 142


Srta. B

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

el 27 de febrero

¡Hola, estudiantes!

Work as usual today....We saw the new Señor Wooly video," No voy a levantarme..."
Many of the expressions were familiar and there were some new ones, but it was comprehensible!
We handed in our songs for credit, and will have time set aside tomorrow for (optional, extra-credit) performances.  Olé!
That's going to be fun.
Practiced vocab and verb conjugations today and worked on our homework: question words +worksheet (both sides) in class.  It is due tomorrow.

6th graders:
We will be able to narrate a Roadrunner cartoon in a couple of weeks....our vocabulary is perfect for it!

 Tarea:study your new vocab 20 minutes...

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

el 26 de febrero


el Español I

Students  have been working on our songs which are due tomorrow.  We have received our etapa 2.2 test
 review guide and a practice exam.   We did listening exercises and learned when to use the expressions:

Examen 2.2---lunes, el 4 de marzo----Monday, March 4

Important notes from today....

de la mañana (a.m---used when specific times are mentioned...numbers!)
por la mañana  (in the a general sense.)

de la noche (p.m ---specific times are mentioned...numbers!)
por la noche (in the evening/night----general sense!)

Study...for your vocabulary and finish your songs for tomorrow!  Performances will add 5 points to your grade!! :)


El español Beginning

6th graders began   Capítulo 2     Lección 3 vocab. today.(see below)
 Working on numbers to 100---
Students played a card game 99 to practice expressing their numbers in Español....(.Fun! Divertido..)

El coyote                                            definitions posted tomorrow...
el pájaro
quiere comer
------no 6th grade homework tonight....

En tu opinion, ¿Hay clases mañana?
Do you think tomorrow will be a snow day?

¡Hasta Luego!

Srta. Bassman

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

el 13 de febrero


El Español I
We practiced the forms of ESTAR, IR and SER and discussed their use and meaning...

estoy, estás, está
estamos, estáis, están

Estar has a nice acronym:


 We listened to En Vivo the dialogue and answered comprehension questions about it.

Tarea:  Reread "EN VIVO" p. 126 - 127 and write out page 128 all the exercises.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

el 7 de febrero

¡Hola, estudiantes!

¿Cómo estamos?

Hoy estudiamos la hora.  We study the hour and do a practice quiz for tomorrow.
We also work on a short drama de fantasía....Mark Zuckerburg, Bill Gates y Paulina Rubio are making a music video....stay tuned. 

Examenito el 8 de febrero  Telling time


We continue into Capítulo 2...lección 1 &2

  1. Tiene hambre
  2. se esconde
  3. el cuervo
  4. detrás de
  5. el cacto
  6. sale
  7. deja
*¿Cuándo tiene hambre, qué come? 

* El cuervo come tres tacos.

Making questions from statements....
El lobo tiene hambre.  The wolf is hungry.

Make it a question......(reverse the order...verb +subject...)
 ¿Tiene hambre el lobo?   Is the wolf hungry?

Can you make questions out of these statements...?
        La oveja llora.
        El pastor cuida el cacto.
        El papá está furioso.

Hasta luego!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

el 6 de febrero


Español I

voy, vas, va, vamos, vais,van

¿A qué hora estudias?------Yo estudio a las cuatro.

Telling time review!!
We did a pair-practice on telling time:  ¿Qué hora es?

!st hour corrections for Midterm. in class
2nd hour midterm corrections tomorrow

 ¿Qué hora es? el 8 de febrero...el viernes
Study your vocabulary and time notes!


Hand in What's missing?  ex 10a Story
New vocabulary..Capítulo 2...
Study, study, study

¡Hasta Luego!

Señorita Bassman

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

El 5 de febrero



Checked in Tarea..... Worksheet of translations.

We reviewed the verb      Ir.   to go
Use of a la.  Or al (a + el)
Vocabulary on p. 124

Also time expressions

Homework:  study telling time and vocabulary for our telling time quiz

Examenito: el viernes....el 8 de febrero


Overview of Capitulo 2
New vocab.  I will update from my laptop...this I Pad doesn't work the same....
No hay Tarea

Monday, February 4, 2013

El 4 de febrero


Esp I......

Tarea ... Worksheet translate

Ex   Pedro always goes to school at 8:30.


Finishing presentations rewritten much ancho pastor


Srta. B

Friday, February 1, 2013

El primero (first) de febrero

Hola...Feliz fin de semana!

Telling time hand outs to all classes today....
I collected and posted telling time practice worksheets.  We also began to learn the verb
Ir (to go). We began to learn a new señor wooly song for the forms.

Tarea:  pp. 124 En Contexto personal questions in purple box. Due Monday.

Hasta lunes!

srta. B