Wednesday, October 31, 2012

el 31 de octubre +++websites!!

El español I (HS)

Helpful websites to help studying:

Vocabulary practices, etc.  Really good ones!!  We will go to the lab soon...stay tuned!

Hasta luego!

Srta. Bassman

el 31 de octubre

el 31de octubre, miércoles

El español I (HS)

Important announcement----
postponed:  examenito de vocabulario p. 69 col. 1
examenito rescheduled for Friday, el 2 de noviembre.

We had some time in class to work on our project.  Work on your graffiti wall project---due el 7 de noviembre.

el español (beginning)

Vocabulario de
"Blaze y la motocicleta"  examenito Thurs., Friday as posted on previous blog el 23 de octubre...

1. Se llama   =  is called
2,  el automóvil = car
3.  la tienda = store
4. a. saca = take out
    b.  la tarjeta de crédito= credit card
    c.  compra= buys
    d.  está ecstático = is ecstatic (happy!)
5.  llega = arrives
6.  la motocicleta= motorcycle
     en las montañas = in the mountains
7. es tarde.  It's late.
   b .Blaze entra la casa en motocicleta.  Blaze enters the house on his motorcycle.
8. La moto está en el garaje.= the motorcycle is in the garage

Monday, October 29, 2012

el 29 de octubre

el 29 de octubre

El español I (HS)

¡Feliz Semana (week) del Día de los Muertos!

We are having some fun this week with our graffiti wall project, our skeletons and finishing the Sweet 15 movie.
   ***¡Estudien por el examenito de vocabulario! El jueves (Thursday) p. 69--column 1

          IB project: ¿Cómo expreso mi opinión en español?
         Individual project:  brainstorm your 10 wall characters or celebrities, so you can make your project.
         We will begin this in class and finish it at home.  Due end of this week, el viernes...Friday.
         Día de los class assignment---  How do skeletons dress?  We will have to figure it out!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

el 23 de octubre...

 el español I  (HS)

Examen Etapa 1.1 was returned today. We are describing famous people to deepen our knowledge of etapa 2 vocabulary and concept of adjective agreement.

Taylor Swift es rubia.  (Feminine ending = a)
Justin Timberlake es castaño  (Masculine ending= o)
     we've aso been working on the plural forms...

     M                F
S   alto          alta

P   altos        altas

Homework: WS= worksheet---- Describe the famous people true= verdad, falso=false...make corrections with other adjectives if the answers are false!!
due Wednesday, Oct. 24

El español beginning (6)

Survival quizzes were returned to the boys.  We worked on a true story about Blaze and will build a basic vocabulary from it. 

1. Se llama   =  is called
2,  el automóvil = car
3.  la tienda = store
4. a. saca = take out
    b.  la tarjeta de crédito= credit card
    c.  compra= buys
    d.  está ecstático = is ecstatic (happy!)
5.  llega = arrives
6.  la motocicleta= motorcycle
     en las montañas = in the mountains
7. es tarde.  It's late.
   b .Blaze entra la casa en motocicleta.  Blaze enters the house on his motorcycle.
8. La moto está en el garaje.= the motorcycle is in the garage.

¡Hasta Luego!

Srta. Bassman

Friday, October 19, 2012

el 19 de octubre

F E S T I F A L L------

Hola!!!  Gearing up for a big game on Saturday!!  Go team.........

El Espanol I  (HS)

Etapa 1 exam....taken in class today.  Students seemed to think it was not too difficult...(I think and hope they prepared!)  No homework...have fun and rest up!

Tentative assignments and plans for next week:

Next week Etapa 2 starting on pp. 48
We will work on vocabulary (flashcards, flashlist for Tuesday...)

Creative writing assignment --DETESTO-- poem was handed out last week.  Students will be given some time to write a poem about what they like and especially do not like. 

Students will write a paragraph based on our class activity "Me gusta, te gusta,le gusta" from taking notes on what others in class like and do not like.

The diamond  poem is for the following week.  More on that later!

Espanol (beginning)6

Story telling is in full swing!  Lots of fun as we launch into telling and retelling stories...

 Remember to review your notes from our diccionario.
Enjoy the weekend, no other written homework.   

Next week the students will tell parents a story about a boy named Blaze. 

La verdad es mas extrana que la ficcion!!  Truth is stranger than fiction!
We will have a homework assignment on vocabulary next week.

Hasta Luego,

Senorita B

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

el 17 de octubre...

Hola!!  After a long MEAP week we are gearing up for Festifall on Friday!!  Go colors!!

El Español I (HS)

We have been preparing for our exam and finally we will have our exam this Friday, October 19.
So far no students have come to visit for a study session after school.  I am available and wanted to remind you to stop by with questions.

Keep reviewing, even if you feel you know it.  Sometimes we get nervous and forget things.  Better to be over-prepared, if there is such a thing.


Srta. B

Monday, October 15, 2012

el 15 de octubre

El Español I (HS)

LUNES!!   We reviewed the practice test from pp. 44, 45 which was our homework.

Preparation for Friday's exam!!

***Homework: Study pp. 35 and  47

Esp beginning--6- - - - - - - - -

***Survival vocab quiz today (and boy's tomorrow).....

Hasta Luego!!

Srta. B

Friday, October 12, 2012

el 12 de octubre

el 12 de octubre....

El Español I (HS)

First hour needed a little more time today :(   We were interrupted in our anticipation for the fun run.  (We did get a  good review...and the fun run was chilly....but it was fun!!)

We had a warm up, reviewed ser, the use of te, or le... and some miscellaneous practice for the exam.  The text practice exam on pp. 44, 45 dialogue and evens assignment was checked in and we reviewed most of it.  The second half of the text practice exam is for homework on Monday.  First hour did not get the assignment, however due to the hectic morning....

Study page 47....the test is coming up next Friday.   and
For Monday (Oct.15): pp. 44, 45 odds is for homework.  Make sure you do it on late work allowed.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

el 11 de octubre


El Español I (HS)------------------

We began reviewing for the Etapa 1 exam.  Students received Etapa 1.1 review and practice.  It contains the grammar concepts with a corrections section (the right answers!), so it can be used as a practice test.
We also did some samples and talked about how to answer test questions.

**Examen Etapa 1.1 is Friday, October 19

Can you answer these questions?

¿De dónde eres?

¿Cuál es tu teléfono?

¿Te gusta practicar el tenis?

¿Dónde vives?

¿A tu amigo le gusta comer la pizza?

El español beginning (6)---------------------

We have been working on our survival vocab skits, and today all classes have finished them.  What a great job by our actors and actresses...

¿Qué día es hoy?  Hoy es __________________.
                                            (lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sábado, domingo)

¿Cuál es la fecha? el _______ de octubre del año dos mil doce.

Levántense                    stand up
Siéntense                        sit down
Den la vuelta                  turn around
levanten la mano             raise your hand
Anden                              go, walk
Paren                              stop
Bailen                              dance
rápidamente                    quickly
lentamente                       slowly
tóquense                          touch
la cabeza                         head
mira                                look at, watch     
canta                              sing

Magazine covers are now due, girls...Friday.
Boys end of Tuesday....
 Quiz next week on survival vocab. matching will be the format....

¡ Hasta luego!

Srta. B 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

El 4 de octubre---October 4

Hola, estudiantes!!

El Español I (HS)

We reviewed me gusta, te gusta and le gusta today.  Homework was collected from p. 38 Actividad 13 and 14.  We corrected it in class.  Students have a quiz tomorrow that will reflect their understanding of:

Study tonight!
The pronouns Yo, tú, Usted, él, ella, nosotros, vosotros, Ustedes, ellos and ellas. (see p. 35....)and ser
also the vocabulary from Etapa 1 from the first column.(p. 47)

Tomorrow we will have our conversational activity of our likes and dislikes.(Not on the quiz this time...)

Me gusta.____.. I like ________________.
Me gustan______  I like ______________
                                      (something plural).
Te gusta  (You buddy likes...)
Te gustan

Le gusta  (You formal, or he, or she likes....)
Le gustan 

6th graders 

We are studying survival vocabulary...see vocabulary sheet...  We are in the process of writing skits to help us learn these phrases.
El Vocabulario Esencial para  Sobrevivir                          
En la clase de español…(Essential vocabulary
For survival in Spanish class..)**keep this page handy and memorize the phrases!

Repite, por favor                                        (please repeat)
 (ray-peet-ay por fah-bor)

¿Cómo se dice….en español?                   (how do you say…in Spanish?)
(coh-mo say dee-say…ayn spahn-yohl)

¿Qué quiere decir?                                     (What does it mean?)
   (kay key air ay day seer)

¿Cómo se escribe?                                      (how is it written)
   (coh-mo say escree- bay)

Yo no sé.                                                        (I don’t know)
  (yo no say)

Yo no comprendo.                                       (I don’t understand)
   (yo no cohm-prayn-doh)

Lo siento:                                                      ( I am sorry)
(loh see-ayn-toh)

¿Me permite ir al baño?                           (Will you permit me to
(may permee-tay eer  al bahn-yo)                                   go to the bathroom?)
¿Puedo ir ________________                                       (can I go----)            
¿En qué página estamos?                          (what page are we on?)
  (ehn kay paheena ays- tah- mos)

1¿Con permiso…?  2.perdón                   (excuse me)  1.­­_________2.________
  (cohn payr-mee-soh)

Por favor…..   Gracias                              (Please……  Thank you)
  (pohr fa-bohr)

¿Hay tarea/examen/escuela  mañana?              (is there any homework/test/school                                tomorrow?)
    (I tah-ray-ah mah-nyah-nah)

Hasta luego!!

Srta. B

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

El 3 de Octubre--October 3....

El Español I (HS)

We worked on Ser, it's forms and expressing origin or professions. (See p. 35)  We took a practice comprehension/vocabulary quiz. (Anticipation  for Friday.)

   ** Comprehension quiz is Friday. (Oct. 5) your vocabulary and Ser!

Practicing saying we like things..."Me gusta",  our homework from yesterday helped us prepare to have a conversation. We will continue the conversation on our likes and dislikes tomorrow.
 Homework= Texto:  page 38 Actividad# 13, and 14 due tomorrow.  (Oct. 4)

Beginning 6

Girls had a mini-cuento---(mini story)on a debate---(ask them?!)  We learned how to respond during stories, and the follow up questions which will become our quizzes.

We studied our vocabulario esencial para sobrevivir.... and began to write skits using the vocab. 
Quizzes on Acciones were returned.

Boys--your day tomorrow will be very similar.  Your quizzes will be returned too.

¡Hasta Luego!

Srta. B

Monday, October 1, 2012

el primero de octubre---October 1

Español I (HS)

October already!!  We are working on Etapa 1.  We should be studying every night for 20 minutes (at least).
The first topic to study is on page 35.  Ser is the verb to be and we need to memorize the subject pronouns:

 Step 1---what do they mean and where do they go?  Write them on paper and see if your chart is like this one.....

      Singular                                          Plural

1.   yo (I)                                            1.  nosotros   (we)                              

2. tú  (you familiar)                              2. vosotros  (you guys) 

3. Usted  ( you formal)                       3. Ustedes  (you all)
     él  (he)                                               ellos (they)
     ella (she)                                            ellas (they)

SER forms will fit in accordingly as seen on page 35.  They must be in this order too.

Homework October 1---  study  and finish p. 9, 10 worksheet from class.  Hasta martes....Adiós.

*****Esp. beginning....

We had our quiz on acciones, posted on gradebook. 
*** This week: Working on days of the week and expressing the date in our expanding routine. 
We've been working on eliminating English from, here's our list to help out.
as we begin to learn the essential phrases to help us get along.
El vocabulario Esencial para sobrevivir en la clase de español... Here's a copy of the hand out:

El Vocabulario Esencial para  Sobrevivir                          
En la clase de español…(Essential vocabulary
For survival in Spanish class..)**keep this page handy and memorize the phrases!

Repite, por favor                                        (please repeat)
 (ray-peet-ay por fah-bor)

¿Cómo se dice….en español?                   (how do you say…in Spanish?)
(coh-mo say dee-say…ayn spahn-yohl)

¿Qué quiere decir?                                     (What does it mean?)
   (kay key air ay day seer)

¿Cómo se escribe?                                      (how is it written)
   (coh-mo say escree- bay)

Yo no sé.                                                        (I don’t know)
  (yo no say)

Yo no comprendo.                                       (I don’t understand)
   (yo no cohm-prayn-doh)

Lo siento:                                                      ( I am sorry)
(loh see-ayn-toh)

¿Me permite ir al baño?                           (Will you permit me to
(may permee-tay eer  al bahn-yo)                                   go to the bathroom?)
¿Puedo ir ________________                                       (can I go----)            
¿En qué página estamos?                          (what page are we on?)
  (ehn kay paheena ays- tah- mos)

1¿Con permiso…?  2.perdón                   (excuse me)  1.­­_________2.________
  (cohn payr-mee-soh)

Por favor…..   Gracias                              (Please……  Thank you)
  (pohr fa-bohr)

¿Hay tarea/examen/escuela  mañana?              (is there any homework/test/school                                tomorrow?)
    (I tah-ray-ah mah-nyah-nah)

We also have lyrics for ¿Puedo ir al baño?  song.  Fun!  It helps to quiz them, if you have time--parents and siblings.

We will have a comprehension quiz on the survival words end of the week. (Th. Oct 4...Oct.5)

Hasta luego---
Srta. B