Tuesday, November 27, 2012

el 27 de noviembre

Hola, estudiantes!!

El español I

We reviewed possessive adjectives today, practiced tener  and used family vocabulary. These words are adjectives and work similarly to the ones from etapa 2...they must agree with the noun (whatever is owned, in this case.)  examples....

My shoe--mi zapato
my shoes--mis zapatos
her shoe--su zapato
her shoes--sus zapatos 


our---nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras

our sister---nuestra herman 
our (girl)friends---nuestras amigas
our brothers---nuestros hermanos
our uncle---nuestro o

 We also began to learn a song called "La Piñata."  I am hoping this song may help get the tener forms "stuck in your head." 
We reviewed our homework and checked our answers. (1-12)

La tarea--homework...
Due tomorrow:  Etapa 1.3 Review guide--- Parts I. tener,  and II. the numbers.

*** Etapa 1.3 Exam date---el 6 de diciembre

Hasta luego!

Srta. Bassman

*****Español beginning (6)

----El Muchacho pastor ----
vocabulary quiz lecciones 1, 2
11/29 Thurs. (boys)
11/30 Fri. (girls)

which vocab.?

1. la familia
2. el papá
3. el lobo
4. come
5. está enojado (a)
6. llora
7. cuida
8. la oveja
9. corre
10. el pastor
11. grita
12. otra vez
13. la montaña
14. está furioso (a)

¡Hasta Luego!

Srta. Bassman

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